How to Write NAV Load Tests Scenarios Using Visual Studio

I created 2 videos about writing simple load test scenarios for Dynamics NAV using Visual Studio. The first video covers a simple scenario for opening and closing a page. The second video shows how to write a scenario to create a Purchase Order. Both examples also show how to add tests to the Visual Studio Load Test.

The videos are available on You Tube:

10 thoughts on “How to Write NAV Load Tests Scenarios Using Visual Studio

  1. I tried to run those on NAV 2013 R2 but they fail with a Communication Exception. Through fiddler I see the following http error header:
    HTTP/1.1 415 Cannot process the message because the content type ‘text/plain; charset=utf-8’ was not the expected type ‘text/xml; charset=utf-8’.
    This happens after the first two http 401s which are okay with NTLM I guess. Any idea what might be the problem here?


      1. I am using the WindowsUserContextManager and it seems to work as I get a different error message if I use an invalid user


      2. WindowsUserContextManager uses the Windows Credentials for the current user running Visual Studio (or the TestAgent). You can’t change the Windwos user and passowrd in the app settings.


  2. I’m sorry, I got it mixed up. I tried to run the master stuff on NAV2013R2 which obviously didn’t work. Running the NAV2013R2 branch works


      1. One further question: I only get the english captions although I set the language to de-DE in the NAV Server instance config, the Web Client instance config and as default for the user. Is this a known limitation or am I missing something?


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